
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1DC Surveyor's Plat110/11/2018View
22 2Statement of Intended Use110/11/2018View
33 3Zoning Self-Certification - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #38A210/11/2018View
44 4Color Photographs310/11/2018View
55 5List of Names and Mailing Addresses of Property Owners within 200 Feet510/11/2018View
66 6Statement of the Applicant1310/11/2018View
76A6AStatement of the Applicant: Tab A (Zoning Map)210/11/2018View
86B6BStatement of the Applicant: Tab B (Subdivision Plat)210/11/2018View
96C6CStatement of the Applicant: Tab C (Architectural Plans) - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT 38B1 & 38B21110/11/2018View
107 7Letter of Authorization (Coloma River Capital)110/11/2018View
118 8Certificate of Proficiency110/11/2018View
129 9Letter of Authorization (71 Kennedy Street Holdings)110/11/2018View
1310 10Letter of Authorization (5505 1st Street Holdings LLC)110/11/2018View
1411 11Statement of Public Outreach110/11/2018View
1512 12Summary of Witness Testimony110/11/2018View
1613 13Application Form - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #17110/11/2018View
1714 14Receipt110/19/2018View
1815 15Receipt110/19/2018View
1916 16Letter in support from Ward 4 Councilmember Todd110/25/2018View
2017 17Updated Application Form111/01/2018View
Showing 1 to 20 of 68 entries