
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form105/07/2015View
22 2Form 125 Appeal Form405/07/2015View
33 3Statement from the Appellant1105/12/2015View
44 4Memo from Matthew LeGrant,Zoning Administrator205/12/2015View
55 5ANC 2E Report205/12/2015View
66 6Email to ZA Re: Zoning Issues at 1351 Wisconsin Ave205/12/2015View
77 7Proof of Service405/12/2015View
88 8Petition in Opposition705/12/2015View
99 9Color Photographs505/12/2015View
1010 10Email of Permit 1351 Wisconsin Ave405/14/2015View
1111 11Building Permit105/17/2015View
1212 12BZA Notice of Hearing to ANC 2E205/18/2015View
1313 13BZA Notice of Hearing to Matthew LeGrant, Zoning Administrator205/18/2015View
1414 14BZA Notice of Hearing to 1351 LLC, C/O Robert Bell205/18/2015View
1515 15BZA Notice of Hearing to Appellant (Caesar Junker)105/18/2015View
1616 16BZA Referral to DCRA105/18/2015View
1717 17BZA Referral to OP105/18/2015View
1818 18BZA Referral to ANC/SMD 2E03105/18/2015View
1919 19BZA Referral to ANC 2E105/18/2015View
2020 20BZA Referral to City Councilmember for Ward 2105/18/2015View
2121 21Letter of Authorization107/15/2015View
2222 22Motion to Dismiss for Failure to Timely File the Appeal607/15/2015View
2322A22AMotion to Dismiss for Failure to Timely File the Appeal: Tab A (Email from Andrea Ferster)107/15/2015View
2423 23Respondent's Motion to Dismiss for Failure to Timely File507/17/2015View
2524 24Two Emails from Junker Appellant as to Building Permit Submitted at July 21, 2015's Hearing407/21/2015View
2625 25Photographs of Building Height Submitted by Caesar Junker407/21/2015View
2726 26Witness Cards207/21/2015View
2827 27Decision and Order601/16/2016View
2928 28Attestation101/15/2016View