
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form 120104/30/2014View
22 2Cover Letter from the Applicant204/30/2014View
33 3Letter of Authorization104/30/2014View
44 4Statement of the Intended Use104/30/2014View
55 5DC Surveyor's Plat104/30/2014View
66 6Zoning Self-Certification204/30/2014View
77 7Statement of the Applicant1104/30/2014View
88 8List of Names & Addresses of Owner's within 200 Feet804/30/2014View
99 9Baist Map104/30/2014View
1010 10Zoning Map104/30/2014View
1111 11Architectural Plans & Elevations 1604/30/2014View
1212 12Color Photographs of the Property304/30/2014View
1313 13Profit & Loss Analysis and Construction Budget204/30/2014View
1414 14Board of Zoning Adjustment Referral to Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC 6E)105/01/2014View
1515 15Board of Zoning Adjustment Referral to Single Member District - ANC 6E02105/01/2014View
1616 16Board of Zoning Adjustment Referral to Office of Planning (OP)105/01/2014View
1717 17Board of Zoning Adjustment Referral to District Department of Transportation (DDOT)105/01/2014View
1818 18Board of Zoning Adjustment Referral to City Council Member Ward 6105/01/2014View
1919 19Fee Calculator Form104/30/2014View
2020 20Filing Fee (Check)105/01/2014View
2121 21Board of Zoning Adjustment Notice of Hearing to Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC 6E)105/14/2014View
2222 22Board of Zoning Adjustment Notice of Hearing to Applicant - (Meridith Moldenhauer)205/14/2014View
2323 23Board of Zoning Adjustment Notice of Hearing to Property Owners within 200 feet.105/14/2014View
2424 24 Attestation 105/15/2014View
2525 25Returned PHNs2105/30/2014View
2626 26Letter Requesting Extension107/01/2014View
2727 27DDOT Report207/09/2014View
2828 28OP Report608/29/2014View
2929 29Affidavit of Posting408/29/2014View
3030 30Prehearing Statement1209/02/2014View
3130A30APrehearing Statement: Tab A (Revised Architectural Plans)1509/02/2014View
3230B30BPrehearing Statement: Tab B (Photograph of Water Damage)109/02/2014View
3330C30CPrehearing Statement: Tab C (Photograph of Complex Intersection)109/02/2014View
3430D30DPrehearing Statement: Tab D (P&L and Construction Budget)309/02/2014View
3530E30EPrehearing Statement: Tab E (MRIS Comparables)8509/02/2014View
3630F30FPrehearing Statement: Tab F (Letter from Real Estate Agent)209/02/2014View
3730G30GPrehearing Statement: Tab G (Letter from Four Points, LLC)109/02/2014View
3830H30HPrehearing Statement: Tab H (Additional Public Street Parking Diagram)209/02/2014View
3930I30IPrehearing Statement: Tab I (Letters of Support)2009/02/2014View
4031 31Revised Penthouse Drawings from Applicant409/16/2014View
4132 32ANC 6E Report209/16/2014View
4233 33Witness Cards109/16/2014View
4334 34Supplemental Statement of the Applicant3610/21/2014View
4435 35Witness Cards210/28/2014View
4536 36Applicant's Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law911/07/2014View
4637 37BZA Decision and Order1005/18/2015View
4738 38Attestation105/18/2015View