
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1BZA Appeal Form111/13/2006View
22 2Notice of revocation building permits & certificate of occupancy from DCRA411/13/2006View
33 3Letter from Sandra A. Maddox, Esq., Re: Appeal of Revocation of Certificate of Ocuupancy No. 109753811/13/2006View
44 4Letter of Authorization111/13/2006View
55 5Copies of Check & BZA Receipt111/13/2006View
66 6Letter of Acknowledgement111/13/2006View
77 7Memo to the Director-OP Re: Appeal filed111/13/2006View
88 8Memo to Bill Crews, Zoning Adminstrator-DCRA, RE: Appeal Filed111/13/2006View
99 9Memo to ANC 2F, Re: Appeal filed2 sided11/13/2006View
1010 10Memo to ANC 2F04, Re: Appeal Filed2 sided11/13/2006View
1111 11Mem to City Council Member for Ward 2, Re: Appeal Filed111/13/2006View
1212 12Letter to the Sandra A. Maddox, Esq., and Henry Maddox, LLC Re: Public Hearing Date21/8/07View
1313 13Letter to Edward B. Rooths, Re: Public Hearing Date21/8/07View
1414 14Letter to Chairperson, ANC 2F, Re: Public Hearing Date31/8/07View
1515 15Letter to Bill Crews, Zoning Adminstrator, (DCRA) , Re: Public Hearing Date11/8/07View
1616 16C's of O113/16/07View
1717 17Witness Cards23/20/07View
1818 18Correspondence from ANC 2F33/20/07View
1919 19Correspondence Received from Helen Kramer23/20/07View
2020 20Office of Planning Report on BZA Case 1707193/20/07View
2121 21Photographs of Subject Building33/20/07View
2222 22Certificate of Occupancy & other Info. filed by DCRA483/20/07View
2323 23Statement o;f Applicant Associated with BZA 1707173/20/07View
2424 24Fax from Sandra Maddox, Re: Final Exhibit List with Attachments443/20/07View
2525 25Decision & Order104/24/07View
2626 26Letter from Sandra Maddox, Esq., w/attached Appellant's proposed findings of fact & conclusion of Law135/1/07View
2727 27Fax From Sandra Maddox, Esq. withdrawing appearance in the case411/07/2007View
2828 28Full Order1001/11/2008View
2929 29Letter of Attestation from Jerrily R. Kress, FAIA201/11/2008View
3030 30Petition from DC Courts_____2/15/08View
3131 31District of Columbia Court of Appeal's Decison74/20/09View
3232 32order  View