
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1BZA Apppeal Form16/27/06View
22 2Summary of Appeal36/27/06View
33 3Request for Relief Form16/27/06View
44 4Building Permit16/27/06View
55 5Letter from Nicholas Alberti to BZA16/27/06View
66 6Freedom of Information Request16/27/06View
77 7Letter from Nicholas Alberti to Mr. Hassan16/27/06View
88 8Letter of Acknowledgement16/27/06View
99 9Copy of Receipt16/27/06View
1010 10Memo to ANC 6A Re: Appeal Filed2 sided6/27/06View
1111 11Memo to ANC 6A04, Re: Appeal Filed2 sided6/27/06View
1212 12Memo to Ellen McCarthy, Re: Appeal Filed16/27/06View
1313 13Memo to City Council Member for Ward 6 Re: Appeal filed16/27/06View
1414 14Memo to Bill Crews, ZA, Jill Stern-GC and Tariq Hussain- P.Owner16/27/06View
1515 15Letter from Joseph Fengler, Chair, ANC 6A 57/24/06View
1616 16Letter to Bill Crews, Zoning Administrator, Re: Public Hearing Date19/13/06View
1717 17Letter to Tariq Hussain, Re: Publi Hrg. Date29/13/06View
1818 18Letter to Nicholas Alberti, Chairperson, ANC 6A Re: Public Hrg. Date39/13/06View
1919 19Letter from Gary M. Peterson, Chair (CHRS)110/27/2006View
2020 20Letter from Nicholas Alberti, ANC 6A requesting a postponment of the hearing511/20/06 Fax & 11/27/06View
2121 21Letter from Nicholas Alberti, Commissioner 6A requesting a postponment of the Jan. 30, 2007 Public Hearing41/29/07View
2222 22Witness Cards11/30/07View
2323 23Fax from Nicholas Alberti to Cliff Moy, Re: Notice of intent to withdraw appeal with attachments5 & 43/13/07 Fax & 3/19/07View
2424 24Letter to Nicholas Alberti, Re: Letter received on 3/13/07 withdrawing the Appeal33/13/07View
2525 25Witness Cards13/13/07View
2626 26Withdrawal Letter303/13/2007View