
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Cover Ltr. from the Applicant202/03/2016View
22 2Statement in Support6302/03/2016View
32A12A1SIS: Tab A (Architectural Drawings - part 1)602/03/2016View
42A22A2SIS: Tab A (Architectural Drawings - part 2)1202/03/2016View
52A32A3SIS: Tab A (Architectural Drawings - part 3)402/03/2016View
62A42A4SIS: Tab A (Architectural Drawings - part 4) 1502/03/2016View
72A52A5SIS: Tab A (Architectural Drawings - part 5)1402/03/2016View
82A62A6SIS: Tab A (Architectural Drawings - part 6)1402/03/2016View
92A72A7SIS: Tab A (Architectural Drawings - part 7)902/03/2016View
102B2BSIS: Tab B (Data Table)402/03/2016View
112C2CSIS: Tab C (Surveyor's Plat)102/03/2016View
122D2DSIS: Tab D (Preliminary Transportation Review)1702/03/2016View
132E2ESIS: Tab E (Ltr. of Authorization)102/03/2016View
142F2FSIS: Tab F (Map Amendment and Consolidated PUD Application Forms)202/03/2016View
152G2GSIS: Tab G (Certificate of Notice, Notice of Intent, and List of Property Owners within 200 ft)802/03/2016View
162H2HSIS: Tab H (Proposed Public Benefits)202/03/2016View
172I2ISIS: Tab I (Community Outreach Summary)402/03/2016View
183 3Ltr. from Applicant - DC Surveyor's Plat202/05/2016View
194 4Copy of Filing Fee102/03/2016View
205 5Ltr. of Acceptance to Applicant102/08/2016View
216 6Referral to OP102/08/2016View
227 7Referral to Councilmember Allen102/08/2016View
238 8Referral to ANC 6D and ANC/SMD 6D01502/08/2016View
249 9NOF to DC Register202/08/2016View
2510 10Attestation:NOF202/08/2016View
2611 11Cvr. Ltr. from Applicant - Amendments to Application3106/29/2016View
2712 12OP Setdown Report906/30/2016View
2813 13Cvr. Ltr. from Applicant - Withdrawal of Application 207/07/2016View