
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11A1AApplication for Campus Plan Amendment18/11/2021View
21B1BApplication Signature Page18/11/2021View
31C1CApplicant's Authorization letter18/11/2021View
41D1DReceipt for Filing Fee108/11/2021View
52 2Cvr. Ltr. from Applicant - Transmittal Letter for Campus Plan Amendment38/11/2021View
63 3Applicant's Statement in Support148/11/2021View
74 4Surveyor's Plat (Square 3593 Lot 4,5,6 plat)18/11/2021View
85A5A1SIS: Tab A (Architectural Plans - Part 1)88/11/2021View
95A5A2SIS: Tab A (Architectural Plans - Part 2)78/11/2021View
105A5A3SIS: Tab A (Architectural Plans - Part 3)88/11/2021View
115A5A4SIS: Tab A (Architectural Plans - Part 4)78/11/2021View
125A5A5SIS: Tab A (Architectural Plans - Part 5)108/11/2021View
136 6Applicant's Statement of Existing and Intended Uses18/11/2021View
147 7List of Property Owners within 200 feet138/11/2021View
158 8Proof of Publication of PHN in D.C. Register109/08/2021View
169 9Notice of Public Hearing409/08/2021View
1710 10Attestation: PHN1409/13/2021View
1811 111 Returned PHN209/21/2021View
1912 12Ltr. in Support - Paul Mandsager109/22/2021View
2013 13Affidavit of Posting159/23/2021View
Showing 1 to 20 of 60 entries