
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1OP Setdown Report for Emergency Text Amendment to Allow Reuse of DCPS Building706/12/2008View
22 2Proposed Rulemaking to NCPC306/18/2008View
33 3DC Register: Public Hearing Notice406/18/2008View
44 4DC Register: Notice of Emergency & Proposed Rulemaking406/18/2008View
55 5Attestation: Public Hearing Notice406/20/2008View
66 6Two Returned Public Hearing Notices406/27/2008View
77 7Returned Public Hearing Notice207/07/2008View
88 8OP Report207/18/2008View
99 9ANC 6B's Letter in Opposition107/21/2008View
1010 10Testimony in opposition from Dave Garrison (ANC/SMD 6B01)207/28/2008View
1111 11Testimony from ANC 6B, Ken Jarboe, in opposition1 (2-sided)07/28/2008View
1212 12Testimony in opposition from Capitol Hill Restoration Society, Gary Peterson407/28/2008View
1313 13Witness List107/28/2008View
1414 14Witness Cards107/28/2008View
1515 15Supplemental OP Report809/02/2008View
1616 16Notice of Proposed Action to NCPC109/09/2008View
1717 17NCPC Report210/10/2008View
1818 18DC Register: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking612/04/2008View
1919 19DC Register: Notice of Final Rulemaking & ZC Order903/27/2009View
2020 20Attestation: Notice of Final Rulemaking & ZC Order1003/30/2009View
2121 21Returned Public Hearing Notice405/07/2009View