
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Cover Letter from Holland & Knight with Statement in Support and Certificate of Service605/31/2013View
21A1ACopy of Order 06-042105/31/2013View
31B1BCopy of Order No. 06-04A305/31/2013View
41C1CCopy of Order No. 06-04B605/31/2013View
51D1DAffidavit of Maintenance205/31/2013View
61E1ELetter in Support and Confidential Offering Memorandum1405/31/2013View
71F1FExpense Analysis105/31/2013View
82 2Copy of Filing Fee105/31/2013View
93 3Application105/30/2013View
104 4Referral to OP106/12/2013View
115 5OP Report (Extension Request)209/20/2013View
126 6Order to Register612/22/2013View
137 7ZC Order612/27/2013View
148 8Attestation Order112/23/2013View