Case Number: |
Application of: |
Office of Planning
Case Summary: |
Text & Map Amendments to Create a New Pennsylvania Avenue East Neighborhood Mixed Use Zone (NMU-5A/PAE); add new Subtitle H, Chapter 11 and amend Subtitle W, Chapter 1; properties included generally front on Pennsylvania Ave. SE between Fairlawn Ave. SE & 27th St. SE. (Sq. 5553, Lots 1, 4, 5, 26-28, 809 & 810; Sq. 5556, Lots 29, 38, 39, 61, 62 & 823-826; Sq. 5559, Lots 35 & 806; Sq. 5560, Lots 39, 40-46, 52, 55 & 814-817; Sq. 5579, Lots 63, 64, 57, 806 & 807; and Sq. 5581, Lot 804) - Ward 7
Text & Map Amendments to Create a New Pennsylvania Avenue East Neighborhood Mixed Use Zone (NMU-5A/PAE); add new Subtitle H, Chapter 11 and amend Subtitle W, Chapter 1; properties included generally front on Pennsylvania Ave. SE between Fairlawn Ave. SE & 27th St. SE. (Sq. 5553, Lots 1, 4, 5, 26-28, 809 & 810; Sq. 5556, Lots 29, 38, 39, 61, 62 & 823-826; Sq. 5559, Lots 35 & 806; Sq. 5560, Lots 39, 40-46, 52, 55 & 814-817; Sq. 5579, Lots 63, 64, 57, 806 & 807; and Sq. 5581, Lot 804) - Ward 7
ANC: |
Case Type: |
Map Amendment,Text Amendment
Case Status: |
Past Meeting Date(s): |