Case Information

Case Number:   18807
Application of:   Heritage Foundation
Case Summary:   Application of Heritage Foundation, pursuant to 11 DCMR §§ 3104.1 and 3103.2, for a special exception under section 214, and variances from subsections 214.1, 214.3, and 214.4, to allow the continued use of an accessory parking lot in the CAP/R-4 District at 415 3rd Street, N.E., 416 4th Street, N.E. and 424 4th Street, N.E. (Square 780, Lots 43, 62 and 810).
Application of Heritage Foundation, pursuant to 11 DCMR §§ 3104.1 and 3103.2, for a special exception under section 214, and variances from subsections 214.1, 214.3, and 214.4, to allow the continued use of an accessory parking lot in the CAP/R-4 District at 415 3rd Street, N.E., 416 4th Street, N.E. and 424 4th Street, N.E. (Square 780, Lots 43, 62 and 810).
ANC:   6C02
Pursuant To:  
Case Type:   Special Exception/Variance
Case Status:   Closed
Result:   See Order
Past Hearing Date(s):   07/29/2014
Past Meeting Date(s):   07/29/2014, 05/21/2014

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07/29/2014Public HearingView

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