Case Information

Case Number:   18806
Application of:   4525 Benning Road, LLC
Case Summary:   Application of 4525 Benning Road, LLC, pursuant to pursuant to 11 DCMR §§ 3104.1 and 3103.2, for a variance from the 20 ft. aisle with requirement under subsection 2117.5, and a special exception under subsection 2116.5, to allow the location of parking spaces as described in subsection 2116.4, for the establishment of a D.C. Department of Motor Vehicle Service Center with accessory parking the C-3-A District at premises 4525 Benning Road, S.E. (Square 5350, Lot 121).
Application of 4525 Benning Road, LLC, pursuant to pursuant to 11 DCMR §§ 3104.1 and 3103.2, for a variance from the 20 ft. aisle with requirement under subsection 2117.5, and a special exception under subsection 2116.5, to allow the location of parking spaces as described in subsection 2116.4, for the establishment of a D.C. Department of Motor Vehicle Service Center with accessory parking the C-3-A District at premises 4525 Benning Road, S.E. (Square 5350, Lot 121).
ANC:   7E04
Pursuant To:  
Case Type:   Special Exception/Variance
Case Status:   Closed
Result:   See Order
Past Hearing Date(s):   07/29/2014
Past Meeting Date(s):   07/29/2014, 05/21/2014

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BZA Order No. 18806View


Transcript DateMeeting TypeAction
07/29/2014Public HearingView

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