Case Information

Case Number:   16-02
Application of:   DC Stadium, LLC
Case Summary:   Consolidated PUD, bounded by R St., Potomac Ave., T. St. & 2nd St. SW (Sq. 603S, Lot 800; Sq. 605, Lots 7 & 802; Sq. 607, Lot 13; Sq. 661, parts of Lots 804 & 805; and Sq. 665, Lot 25) - Ward 6
Consolidated PUD, bounded by R St., Potomac Ave., T. St. & 2nd St. SW (Sq. 603S, Lot 800; Sq. 605, Lots 7 & 802; Sq. 607, Lot 13; Sq. 661, parts of Lots 804 & 805; and Sq. 665, Lot 25) - Ward 6
ANC:   6D
Case Type:  
Case Status:   Closed
Result:   See Order
Past Hearing Date(s):   12/14/2016
Past Meeting Date(s):   12/14/2016, 03/14/2016

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Z.C. Order No. 16-02View


Transcript DateMeeting TypeAction
02/27/2017Public MeetingView
02/16/2017Special Public MeetingView
12/14/2016Public HearingView
11/28/2016Public HearingView
03/14/2016Public MeetingView

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