Case Information

Case Number:   19788
Application of:   Royal Norwegian Embassy
Case Summary:   Application of the Royal Norwegian Embassy, pursuant to 11 DCMR Subtitle X, Chapter 2, to renovate and expand a chancery by renovating the exterior, and constructing an addition to the existing Norwegian chancery building in the R-12 Zone at premises 2720 34th Street N.W. and 3401 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. (Square 1939, Lot 39).
Application of the Royal Norwegian Embassy, pursuant to 11 DCMR Subtitle X, Chapter 2, to renovate and expand a chancery by renovating the exterior, and constructing an addition to the existing Norwegian chancery building in the R-12 Zone at premises 2720 34th Street N.W. and 3401 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. (Square 1939, Lot 39).
ANC:   3C08
Pursuant To:  
Case Type:   Foreign Missions
Case Status:   Closed
Result:   Approved 5 - 0 - 0
Past Meeting Date(s):   05/04/2018

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07/25/2018Public HearingView

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