Case Information

Case Number:   18701E
Application of:   1247 ESE, LLC
Case Summary:   To include general retail, service, and office uses in addition to the restaurant use within an existing, semi-detached, two-story with cellar, apartment house the RF-1 zone.
To include general retail, service, and office uses in addition to the restaurant use within an existing, semi-detached, two-story with cellar, apartment house the RF-1 zone.
Address:   1247 E STREET SE (Square 1019, Lot 0043)
ANC:   6B06
TypeReliefPursuant To
ModificationModification of Significance from the use provisions, to operate a restaurant on the first floor and cellar, of BZA Order No. 18701-A, effective date 3/9/2014. Subtitle Y § 704
Time ExtensionTime Extension to extend BZA Order Nos. 18701 and 18701-A for an additional two yearsSubtitle Y § 705
Case Type:   Modification,Modification of Significance
Case Status:   Closed
Result:   Approved 4 - 0 - 1
Past Hearing Date(s):   02/02/2022
Past Meeting Date(s):   02/16/2022

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Summary Order on Request for Modification of Significance and Fourth Two-year Time ExtensionView


Transcript DateMeeting TypeAction
02/16/2022Public MeetingView
02/02/2022Public HearingView

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