BZA Schedule

Event Information : Public Hearing

Start Time : 6/10/2014 9:30 AM

Case Number :18773
Case Name :Application of Stephan Rodiger and Marissa Piropat
Case Summary :(Area Variance,Special Exceptions) Application of Stephan Rodiger and Marissa Piropato, pursuant to 11 DCMR §§ 3104.1 and 3103.2, for a variance from the alley setback requirements under section 2300, and a special exception to allow a rear addition to an existing one-family row dwelling under section 223, not meeting the lot occupancy requirements under 403, and the rear yard requirements under section 404, in the DC/R-5-B District at premises 1528 Church Street, N.W. (Square 194, Lot 802).
ANC :1B09
Result :Approved.
Case Number :18774
Case Name :Application of Robert E. Copyak
Case Summary :(Special Exceptions) Application of Robert E. Copyak, pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3104.1, for a special exception to allow a two story rear porch addition, and extension of third floor to an existing one-family row dwelling and expansion of garage height under section 223, not meeting the lot occupancy (section 403), court (section 406) and nonconforming structure (subsection 2001.3) requirements in the R-4 District at premises 2819 13th Street, N.W. (Square 2856, Lot 109).
ANC :1B09
Result :Approved.
Case Number :18767
Case Name :Darryl Clark
Case Summary :(Area Variance,Special Exceptions) 18767 ANC-7C02 Application of Darryl R. Clark, pursuant to 11 DCMR §§ 3104.1, and 3103.2, for a variance from the lot area requirements under section 401, a variance from the lot width requirements under section 401, a variance from the side yard requirements under section 405, a variance from the parking requirements under subsection 2101.1, and a special exception from the pervious surface requirements under section 412, to construct two new one-family semi-detached dwellings in the R-2 District at premises 305 and 307 55th Street, N.E. (Square 5250, Lots 68 and 70).
ANC :7C02
Result :Decision scheduled for July 22, 2014.
Case Number :18770
Case Name :Application of &pizza
Case Summary :(Special Exceptions) Application of &pizza, pursuant to 11 DCMR §§ 3104.1 and 3103.2, for a special exception to allow a fast food establishment (first floor) under section 733, and a variance from the rear yard requirements under section 774, for a one-story rear addition to an existing building in the CHC/C-2-A District at premises 405 8th Street, S.E. (Square 902, Lot 825).
Result :Hearing postponed to June 17, 2014.
Case Number :18772
Case Name :Application of MR Gallery Square LLC
Case Summary :(Area Variance,Special Exceptions) 18772 ANC-2C01 Application of MR Gallery Square LLC, pursuant to 11 DCMR §§ 3104.1, and 3103.2, for variances from the court (776), parking (subsection 2101.1), loading (section 2201) requirements and special exceptions from the roof structure (sections 770.6 and 411) and the rear yard (section 774) requirements to allow the construction of a new hotel with retail use in the DD/C-3-C District at premises 627 H Street, N.W. (Square 453, Lot 59).
ANC :2C01
Result :Hearing continued to July 22, 2014.