BZA Schedule

Event Information : Public Hearing

Start Time : 5/8/2012 1:00 PM

Case Number :18346
Case Name :Paramount Investments Inc.
Case Summary :(Area Variance,Special Exceptions) Application No. 18346 of Wagtime LLC, pursuant to 11 DCMR §§ 3103.2 and 3104.1, for special exception pursuant to subsection 802.21, and a variance from subsection 801.7(a) (iii) and (a)(iv)(D), to permit an animal boarding and animal shelter use in the C-M-1 District at premises 900 M Street, S.E. (Square 952, Lot 34).
ANC :6B,06
Result :Approved.
Case Number :18286
Case Name :Donna Gedeon
Case Summary :(User Variance) Case is Withdrawn - Application of Donna Gedeon, pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3103.2, for a variance from the use provisions to allow a catering and meal delivery establishment in the basement and a portion of the first floor under subsection 201.1, in the R-1-B District, at premises 1204 Ingraham Street, N.W. (Square 2930, Lot 74).
Result :Withdrawn.