BZA Schedule

Event Information : Public Hearing

Start Time : 10/16/2007 9:30 AM

Case Number :17678
Case Name :2000 Massachusetts Avenue LLC
Case Summary :(Special Exceptions) Application No. 17678 of 2000 Massachusetts Avenue LLC, pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3104.1, for a special exception to allow the replacement of existing nonconforming uses with other nonconforming uses under section 2003 and a special exception to allow office use on the basement and first floor levels of a building addition in the DC/SP-1 District under section 508.1 at premises 2000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. (Square 95, Lot 1).
ANC :2B,02
Result :Approved. Added relief from Section 508.1. Applicant will submit revised "Plans." Board noted for the record that a Summary Order will not be issued until the plan has been received.
Case Number :17673
Case Name :Gallery Square LLC
Case Summary :(Area Variance,Special Exceptions) Application No. 17673 of Gallery Square LLC, pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3104.1, for a special exception from the roof structure requirements under section 411, a special exception to reduce the required rear yard under section 774, and a special exception to reduce the number of required parking spaces by no more than 25 percent under section 2108, and pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3103.2, variances from the accessibility requirements for parking spaces under section 2117.4 and the off-street loading and service delivery space requirements under section 2201, to permit the development of a 10-story building with retail on the first and second floors and offices above in the DD/C-3-C District at premises 627-631 H Street, N.W. (Square 453, Lots 53 and 810).
ANC :2C,02
Result :Approved.
Case Number :17674
Case Name :The Fund for American Studies
Case Summary :(Special Exceptions) Application No. 17674 of The Fund for American Studies, pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3104.1, for a special exception to allow the conversion of an existing building from a private school to office use under section 508, in the DC/SP-1 District at premises 1621 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. (Square 155, Lot 145).
ANC :2B,03
Result :Approved.