ZC Schedule

Event Information : Public Meeting

Start Time : 3/30/2015 6:30 PM

Case Number :02-38F
Case Name :Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
Result :Approved 5-0-0
Case Number :03-12Q/03-13Q
Case Name :Capper Carrollsburg Venture, LLC & DCHA
Result :Approved 5-0-0 in block with 03-12R/03-13R
Case Number :03-12R/03-13R
Case Name :Capper Carrollsburg Venture, LLC & DCHA
Result :Approved 5-0-0 in block with 03-12Q/03-13Q
Case Number :14-12
Case Name :EAJ 1309 5th Street LLC
Result :Approved 5-0-0 with modifications re: park maintenance and location of sign
Case Number :08-07A
Case Name :Curtis Properties
Result :Approved 5-0-0
Case Number :14-05
Case Name :Forest City Washington
Result :Approved 5-0-0
Case Number :14-16
Case Name :Office of Planning
Result :Approved 5-0-0
Case Number :14-09
Case Name :QC 369, LLC
Result :Approved 4-1-0
Case Number :13-08
Case Name :Square 5914, LLC
Result :Approved 4-1-0
Case Number :14-11
Case Name :Office of Planning
Result :Text Amendment to Ch. 1 & 4 HEIGHT Residential Rowhouse (additions & new for two or fewer) 1a. Establish 35 feet MOR and 40 feet by SE (Approved 3-2-0) 1b. Maintain 40 feet MOR for three or more adjoining structures for new construction only (Approved 4-1-0) 2. Non-Residential Buildings (additions and new) – 35 feet MOR and 40 feet by SE (Approved 3-2-0) MEZZANINE Include a mezzanine within the limit on the number of stories within a principal (Approved 4-1-0) building. CONVERSIONS 1.Residential Rowhouse Require SE for conversions (Denied 2-3-0) 1a. MOR conversion subject to 900sf of land (variance for less sf) w/4 units max. and the 4th unit subj. to IZ at 80% AMI subj. to conditions for MOR option under OP’s recommendation (see OP report [Ex. 193], p. 9) (Approved 3-2-0) 1b. SE conversion for 5 or more units subj.to all Special Exception option conditions (OP report, p. 9). Every other unit after the 4th would be IZ (Approved 3-2-0) 2. Non-residential Structures – allow MOR conversion with 900sf and IZ applicable to the 10th unit and SE relief from the 900 sf w/ advertised design standards and reference to neighboring rooftop chimneys and solar energy systems (Approved 5-0-0) Allow 900 sf relief by SE instead of variance for residential (Denied 2-3-0)
Case Number :15-03
Case Name :Aria Development Group
Result :Approved for 5-0-0 for setdown as a contested case
Case Number :15-08
Case Name :Office of Zoning
Result :Approved 5-0-0 for setdown as a rulemaking case
Case Number :08-06C
Case Name :Office of Planning
Result :Denied request by consensus