| Case Number : | 18803 | Case Name : | Christopher Ornelas | Case Summary : | (Special Exceptions) Application of Christopher Ornelas, pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3104.1, for a special exception for a three story rear addition to an existing one-family row dwelling under section 223, not meeting the lot occupancy (section 403) requirements in the R-4 District at premises 625 South Carolina Avenue, S.E. (Square 876, Lot 50).
| ANC : | 6B03 | Result : | Hearing rescheduled to September 9, 2014. |
| Case Number : | 18804 | Case Name : | FBL Holdings LLC | Case Summary : | (Area Variance) Case is Withdrawn - Application of FBL Holdings LLC., pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3103.2, for a variance from the lot area requirements under subsection 401.3, to allow the conversion of a former grocery store into a four (4) unit apartment house in the CAP/R-4 District at premises 538 3rd Street, N.E. (Square 754, Lot 98).
| ANC : | 6C04 | Result : | Hearing rescheduled to October 7, 2014. |
| Case Number : | 18805 | Case Name : | 1831 14th Street, LLC | Case Summary : | (Special Exceptions) Application of 1831 14th Street, LLC, pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3104.1, for a special exception from the rear yard requirements under subsection 774.2, in order to build a second floor addition to an existing building in the ARTS/C-3-A District at premises 1829-1831 14th Street, N.W. (Square 238, Lot 873).
| ANC : | 1B12 | Result : | Approved. |
| Case Number : | 18806 | Case Name : | 4525 Benning Road, LLC | Case Summary : | (Area Variance,Special Exceptions) Application of 4525 Benning Road, LLC, pursuant to pursuant to 11 DCMR §§ 3104.1 and 3103.2, for a variance from the 20 ft. aisle with requirement under subsection 2117.5, and a special exception under subsection 2116.5, to allow the location of parking spaces as described in subsection 2116.4, for the establishment of a D.C. Department of Motor Vehicle Service Center with accessory parking the C-3-A District at premises 4525 Benning Road, S.E. (Square 5350, Lot 121). | ANC : | 7E04 | Result : | Approved. |
| Case Number : | 18807 | Case Name : | Heritage Foundation | Case Summary : | (User Variance,Special Exceptions) Application of Heritage Foundation, pursuant to 11 DCMR §§ 3104.1 and 3103.2, for a special exception under section 214, and variances from subsections 214.1, 214.3, and 214.4, to allow the continued use of an accessory parking lot in the CAP/R-4 District at 415 3rd Street, N.E., 416 4th Street, N.E. and 424 4th Street, N.E. (Square 780, Lots 43, 62 and 810).
| ANC : | 6C02 | Result : | Approved. |
| Case Number : | 18787 | Case Name : | Application of 143 Rear W Street LLC | Case Summary : | (Area Variance) Application of 143 Rear W Street LLC, pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3103.2, pursuant to for variances from subsection 2507.1, which permits a one-family dwelling as the only type of dwelling on an alley lot, and subsection 2507.2, which does not allow construction of a dwelling on an alley lot unless the alley lot abuts an alley 30 feet or more in width and has access to a street through an alley lot not less than 30 feet in width, to allow the construction of four flats on alley lots in the R-4 District at 143 Rear W Street, N.W. (Sq. 3121, Lots 73 and 74). | ANC : | 5E08 | Result : | Limited hearing scheduled for September 9, 2014. |
| Case Number : | 18757 | Case Name : | Tahmina Proulx | Case Summary : | (Special Exceptions) Application of Tahmina Proulx, pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3104.1, for a special exception for a fast food (pizza) establishment under section 733, in the C-2-A District at premises 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E. (Square 1065NE, Lot 19). | ANC : | 6B/06 | Result : | Dismissed. |
| Case Number : | 18801 | Case Name : | Fort Lincoln Multifamily Housing LLC and Fort Linc | Case Summary : | (Special Exceptions) Application of Fort Lincoln Multifamily Housing LLC and Fort Lincoln Joshua Barney Townhouse LLC, pursuant to §§ 3103.2 and 3104.1, for a variance from the loading requirements under section 2201, and a special exception under section 2516, to erect more than one building on a record lot, in order to construct 103 townhouses and three multi-family buildings with a total of 260 units in the R-5-D and C-2-B Districts on the north side of Commodore Joshua Barney Drive, N.E (Square 4325, Parcel 173/149 and a portion of Parcel 1784/4). | ANC : | 5C03 | Result : | Approved. |